Any plans to update the VAADIN issue tracker or switch to a different product?
I find the UI really confusing. Information which version is affected by an issue and for which version it is fixed is not easy to find - if available at all.
No forgot password functionally, http basic authentication - I cannot even logout.
Guess that’s almost everyone’s opinion - Trac’s just outdated.
There have been plans for changing to something else and people are investigating different solutions constantly. But as you can probably guess just from the number of tickets - almost 20 000 - the migration will not be a simple process and requires a lot of work.
Thus, the answer to your question is quite frankly ‘yes, we have plans’.
Forgot password,
Tried several,
Registered with different email address,
Logout and cannot login with different user,
All I want to do is report a bug I need fixed.
Same here, tried to report a bug, forgot my password as the last time I logged in was a long time ago.
Had to create a new account.
This is pretty annoying as you cant use the same mail address!
Any update on that?