I’ve created a new touchkit project with maven. I’ve two question:
1- Where is web.xml? I didn’t find it in the structure.
2- I use JBoss4.2.3 ( but also with 5.1) for deploy my webapp. If I try to deploy the touchkit project made with maven I receive the error reported in the attached file.
The new TouchKit archetype generates Servlet 3 style project and thus needs no web.xml. Thats why it probably also does not work with your oldish jboss.
You can easily convert it to servlet 2.5 project by removing incompatible WebServlet annotations from the base apps servlet class and adding a web.xml file like this into your project:
Thanks, Matti.
But why the new Touchkit archetype doesn’t has the way to chose which type of servlets will work?
That would require us to build two versions of archetype, one for servlet 2.x and one for servlet 3.0. I’m guessing those who still need servlet 2 support are becoming minority. I chose the newer version as the project looks much cleaner that way.