Hello !
I am developping an application with Vaadin timeline.
Under my graph, I have a list of checkboxes: the aim is to give the posibility to the user to hide or show one of the line in the graph.
The problem I have, is that the vertical axis range doesn’t adapt itself automatically. It stays the same even when I set the visibility of some containers to false. Is there a way to adapt it automatically ?
Or should I, for every container, find out manually which is the max and min value, and then use setVerticalAxisRange() everytime the user decides to show / hide a container ?
Here is a part of my CheckBoxListener :
public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) {
if (event.getProperty().toString().equals("false")) {
timeline.setGraphVisibility(containerList.get(indexContainer), false);
else {
timeline.setGraphVisibility(containerList.get(indexContainer), true);
I have tryed with adding timeline.setVerticalAxisRange(null, null), but this hasn’t resolved the problem.
If someone would have an idea, I would appreciate !
Thank you !