Thanks - Book of Vaadin

Just a quick thanks to the folks at Vaadin/IT Mill for the lovely book that was made available through Lulu,

Just received my copy, and glad to find its produced fantastically.

Finally a pocket reference to get me started. I’ve never been one to learn from instructions, rather examples, and the books packed. I’ve grasped Vaadin through the art of cobbling bits together and it’s working fantastic

Many Thanks!

That’s the one.

However Lulu only had Vaadin 6 Preview Edition at the time, and it’s pink rather than deep red. Bit girly sitting on my desk at the moment!

Maybe we should make the next one blue :) 6.2 version should arrive in December…

One more vote for non girly colours!

Any chance of an update between the changes with Preview Edition and the Released version of 6.0?

An up-to-date version is allways online at
. The docbook sources of the next version can be found at


And make it black!


Glossy black is always cool.

6.2 edition will have a blue cover

Maybe the next one (Vaadin 6.3 edition? Vaadin 7 edition?) should be black…

BTW: Here is a “release candidate” of the 6.2 edition:

BTW: An old black cover version can also be found on SVN
. What do you think - is it a bit … well … too black?

I like the blue one. The black one made me think “What, didn’t they have a color printer?”.

Yes, the new cover great !