Text wrap in tree item caption

Sorry, if the question was already discussed, but I did not find anything related via search - can the tree item’s caption text be wrapped, so instead of the horizontal scrollbar in a panel with the tree control attached, there will be just a two or more lines per one item ?

(e.g. is this possible via css’ing only or client widget modification is required)

A good question, haven’t actually thought about this use case when styling the tree.

But it is possible to have wrapping captions, just use the following CSS:

.i-tree-node-caption span { white-space: normal; } I only tested this with Safari, though. No guarantees that IE will behave nicely :slight_smile:

Update: Oops, note to self: reload & re-read thread before answering… Jouni was faster… :wink:

You can achieve that using CSS:

.i-tree-node span {
	white-space: normal;

Best Regards,

Thanks, Jouni, Marc, it seems this also work with IE and FF (tried with IE7, FF3).