1. Worry About Backward Compatibility
In the future is there a way not to worry about backward compatibility with Vaadin? – Omar
The web as a platform is evolving quickly; there’s no way around it. So things change all the time, like five years ago AngularJS was barely starting, but now it’s not the most popular thing anymore. React has overtaken it, and Vue is getting up there. So things keep changing all the time.
Old doesn’t mean not working anymore
You can still use Vaadin 6 if you want, we don’t provide any security updates for free for it, but it works. It should work in all browsers, it works on relatively modern servers and so on. So if you have an application that just works, you can keep using it.
New comes with a benefit
If you want to benefit from all the new things and make applications that look modern, that use the latest features from modern web browsers, then yes you need to make updates. Some of those updates require you to change more things because assumptions have changed, so it’s really up to you.
We promise 5 years support for free
We are giving quite good coverage there because when we released Vaadin 10, we said that it is getting support for five years to come. Looking at how quickly things evolve that’s a long time still.
We know that AngularJS was a nice experiment, and then quickly started to cause trouble for people who wanted to migrate to latest versions. So are we in the phase of AngularJS or the phase of top-notch Angular? – A.Mahdy
Smooth incremental updates
The plan that we have now is to add new things incrementally, we have one big thing upcoming which is to change from Polymer 2 to Polymer 3, and from the old deprecated Bower dependency management to NPM instead. That is going to be a significant change behind the scenes, but we try hard to make it smooth for users also. So we have now built a quite solid foundation to build upon it.
Building a foundation
You can never know because things might change, but hopefully, this is a foundation that you can keep building on top of it.
Version 14
One version that many are going to pick is 14, which is again a long-term support version, which means that we are going to support it for free for five years. Also with this version and all other versions, we provide non-free support for longer, but five years is what we give to everyone anywhere for free. Vaadin 14 has a scheduled release on June 2019.