Switching from thinwire

My mistake, got confused with the date.

Btw will change the favicon.ico on the demo site the next few days, hope it’s dosn’t cause any problem using it at the moment ?


No problems for using the current favicon :)

Just checked out the latest 6.2-20091126.215011-15 SNAPSHOT and things are back working as expected again.

May have been my own code as well, but feels excellent to be back on SNAPSHOT either way.


how to post my problems to the forum? i am from china.my english is not enough good.
thank you very much.

now i have a problem:
example code: this is a method of a class Extended Form.
public void saveCus(){
if (isNewCus){
try {
Item addItem = CustomersDataContainer.createCusData().addItem(newCus);
} catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
} catch (InstantiationException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
“Item addItem = CustomersDataContainer.createCusData().addItem(newCus);”
the line is insert a customer to the table,but the table have not been insert a new customer.

Please use a new thread for each new topic. Do not post to unrelated threads.

We only have an english speaking forum for Vaadin. Sorry! If there will be enough demand for other languages, we can open forums for those also. For now, I would suggest to use help of translate.google.com.

first thank you very much
but now i don’t know where and how do i post my problem.

Go to
and choose an appropriate section for your question. You could post your question at
5. UI Components
. Once you’ve opened that section, you will see a “Post new thread”-button at the top of that page, click it to start a new thread.

ok,thank for your replying.I kown what i will do.
I enjoy the web Develop tech of vaada.

Been lazy & got carried away with some refactoring of my code, but plan to continue the gui work soon again.

Changed license to Apache License Version 2.0, made more sense in some ways and cooler name obviously.


Just updated
with latest snapshot.

Still loads of work on the user interface and refactoring to import data from

But shows some of the technologies I decided to use from Vaadin like Navigator, vaadin-timeline, springapplicationservlet, vaadinvisualizations.

Thanks to all on the forum & in the community for helping out with answers and providing great components.
