Can someone please help me out in getting SuperDevMode to work via IntelliJ? I am trying to get my tomcat server or my Jetty server to recognize the ?superdev URL option, but no luck. I am using the following URL as an example:
I have made the necessary XML file changes, but for the life of me I can’t figure out how to handle this piece:
-noserver -war WebContent/VAADIN/widgetsets com.example.myproject.widgetset.MyWidgetSet -startupUrl http://localhost:8080/myproject -bindAddress
I have tried various things, but so far no luck.
To be honest, even a poor man debugger would be great for all client side development. I am trying to add some Grid Extensions (as detailed here: but something is going very wrong. If you could even let me know how to throw an alert, or get something to the console, I would be immensely appreciative.
Thanks in advance