Styling vaadin upload file


If I use in my styles.css file this: {
  display: none;
  border: 1px solid blue;

And then


The style is not applied, do you know why?

Why would you think that applying a class name to “vaadin-upload” would propagate it to its children “vaadin-upload-file”? Did you check the DOM in your browser?

The same is not being replicated to their children, that’s what is happening to me.

Soo, i should be using this approach, what do you think ?

Before I go into more details… did you try the obvious one? vaadin-upload-file (… Insert here more …)

This works pretty well, damnnn

I didn’t need to use @CssImport, it’s much more like that, plus the new hot swap functionality of the css without redeploy…