Using Vaadin 7.7.3.
There is no class set to the “more” item to help me identify it (to style it in CSS).
Using setStyleName doesn’t seem to work.
When I try to do:
widget = new MenuBar();
No style is added to the more item.
I also tried creating a new MenuItem with the style, and setting it to be the more item - still doesn’t work:
MenuItem moreItem = widget.new MenuItem("", null, null);
widget.setMoreMenuItem(moreItem );
I also tried extending the MenuBar class, and overwriting setMoreMenuItem so it will always set the style:
public void setMoreMenuItem(MenuItem item) {
MenuItem finalItem;
if (item != null) {
finalItem = item;
} else {
finalItem = new MenuItem("", null, null);
Still nothing.
What is happening? Is this a bug in MenuItem.setStyleName?
How can I add a class to identify the “more” item?