I’ve worked with Vaadin in Eclipse Indigo.
It’s okay but after installing Vaadinin Eclipse Indigo we have to add manually, in direction ‘eclipse-jee-indigo-win32-> configuration ->com.vaadin.integration.eclipse->download , folders( ‘gwt-dependencies’, ‘gwt-dev’, ‘gwt-user’) .
I worked with STS Roo and can do: Spring Security, Email notification, Internationalization, Socialization and so on.
I wanted to use Vaadin with STS Roo because I like Vaadin more.
I did:
-Setup STS roo
-Did Vaadin plugin in STS Roo(didn’t add anything like I did in Eclipse Indigo).
-Created new Spring Roo Project
-Created pakage
Installed Vaadin plugins for STS Roo
roo> pgp trust --keyId 0xBF0451C0
roo> download accept terms of use
roo> addon install bundle --bundleSymbolicName com.vaadin.spring.roo.addon
Did next following the manual:
roo> persistence setup --provider ECLIPSELINK --database HYPERSONIC_IN_MEMORY
entity --class ~.domain.RapidUser --testAutomatically
field string --fieldName username --notNull --sizeMin 2
field string --fieldName password --notNull --sizeMin 4
field boolean --fieldName admin --primitive
entity --class ~.domain.Project --testAutomatically
field string --fieldName name --notNull --sizeMin 2 --sizeMax 255
field boolean --fieldName enabled --primitive
entity --class ~.domain.WorkEntry --testAutomatically
field string --fieldName comment --sizeMax 255
field reference --fieldName project --type ~.domain.Project --notNull
field reference --fieldName employee --type ~.domain.RapidUser --notNull
field date --fieldName startTime --type java.util.Date --notNull
field date --fieldName endTime --type java.util.Date --notNull
–I didn’t do roo> perform tests because it was failed like in Eclipse Indigo .
I did run as JUnit test . It was okay.
I continued:
vaadin setup --applicationPackage ~.web --baseName RapidWorkHours --themeName rapid --useJpaContainer true
vaadin generate all --package ~.web.ui --visuallyComposable true
I run as ‘Run on server’ and then I clicked ‘save’ button to save data. I had the message:
SEVERE: Terminal error:
Cause: com.vaadin.data.Buffered$SourceException
at com.vaadin.event.ListenerMethod.receiveEvent(ListenerMethod.java:51
I continued to install add-ons(Though Calendar worked on UI)
roo> vaadin addon install --artifactId vaadin-calendar
roo> vaadin widgetset create
I had the 2nd exception:
Cannot run program “mvn.bat” ( in directory… of my project)
I like Vaadin docs and I’ve never had the problem with it like with Spring ones.
I searched Vaadin Forum . Vaadin with STS Roo has some problems with ad-dons.
Please give me advice…