Strange absolute positioning of popup window

Dear Vaadin users / developers!

In my application I would like to display a label (red transparent box) on the top of the content, which when clicked, displays the popup window.

So here is code, that generates the content, shown in the attachments:

int x = ...;
int y = ...;
int width = ...;
int height = ...;

Label label = new Label();

label.setWidth(width, UNITS_PIXELS);
label.setHeight(height, UNITS_PIXELS);


ComponentPosition position = documentImagePanel.getPosition(label);

position.setLeft(Float.valueOf(x), UNITS_PIXELS);
position.setTop(Float.valueOf(y), UNITS_PIXELS);

HorizontalLayout popupContent = new HorizontalLayout();
// Fill popupContent with some data
PopupView popupViewComponent = new PopupView(null, popupContent);


position = documentImagePanel.getPosition(popupViewComponent);

position.setLeft(Float.valueOf(x), UNITS_PIXELS);
position.setTop(Float.valueOf(y), UNITS_PIXELS);

As you see from the code, the popup window should appear with the same left/top offset, as the label. But in practice the popup window is centred at the given point.

The HTML generated for label (box) and popup:

<div class="v-label v-label-mybox mybox" style="height: 56px; width: 60px;"></div>

<div style="left: 34px; top: 82px; z-index: 20000; visibility: visible; position: absolute; ..." class="v-popupview-popup">... </div>

I cannot explain this behaviour. I expect that absolute positioning is the same for any UI component.

I think, this centring is happening in
, but I’ve found no way to switch off this behaviour or customize it.

Any ideas on how to influence this behaviour (centring of popup winow)? Maybe it can be treated as “functionality enhancement”?

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