Starting Copilot from Application with Spring Boot


i have set up Spring Boot and start in debug but copilot complains about that its not started in the correct mode. From this tutorial i used Spring Boot

(Live Reload with HotswapAgent | Hot Deploy & Live Reload | Configuration | Flow | Vaadin Docs)

When i start not using Debug Button in IntellJ, but using Debug Using Hot Swap Agent, then i get a lot of errors when trying to move an element, so the hot swapping isnt really working

I’m not sure if it’s related but IntelliJ has released a new version 2024.2.4.

With the previous version 2023.2.3, the hotswap was crashing after each change.

Ah okay! Need to update and check.

Must i start with this or can i use the debug button when having Spring?

Indeed! Its not crashing anymore, thank you!

Yes always use the Debug with hotswap if you want the hotswap and reduce the amount of restart

But now the plugin get not recognized again, like here already mentioned: