Spring integration

Hello Alexander

Can I use SpringVaadinIntegration with vaadin GAE application

Hi, i wanted to ask you if your are going to create a new version of this add-on for Vaadin 7.3 + Spring Framework 4.1.

Thank you very much in advance

Sure. I’ve just returned from my holiday and I’m going to public new version soon.

can any help me? plz …
entityManager is null

Hi Alexander, in first place congrats for your project.
I have been using it since Vaadin 7 was released, but now I am having some problems.
I am using Vaadin 7.3.1 and Addon 3.1;

My project needs to use Push, and there is where the problem started, I had to change the Jetty version to 8+;
Now Push works, but my project can’t “find” session beans. “Scope ‘session’ is not active for the current thread;”
I know there is the necessity to use the UI as prototype, but can’t I use the other beans as session?

I am gradually changing my beans to prototype scope, but, is it going to be used one for each user session?


Try ro use LongPolling in Push Settings. Accessing session scoped beans with websocket Push currently is not supported/

Sorry, haven’t read older messages about it. And it looks like a big issue.
My project exist since Vaadin 6, and we Spring session scope since there.

thx for this great adon
Is there any plans to introduce an event bus within this spring addon ?

Maybe you could use the event bus from Guava (Google). This would not require anything special. Just inject the bus in the UI and create the @Subscribe methods and events to start with it.
Please take a look at this post for a quick introduction:


Hope it helps


did someone test this addon with the new VAADIN version 7.5.1?


Hi Aleks,

For Spring Integration you have now an official separate project. Works very well and it’s really easy to use.
As a brief, you have the @SpringUI, @SpringView and @SpringComponent class annotations with which you can have the application “autowirable” for injecting Spring services and utilities:


Hope it helps


Hi Francisco,
thank you very much. I will give it a try.


Hi Folks,
After a Week of Exploration of Vaadin and Spring Integartion I wrote some code for saving entity class object in database using Spring and Hibernate. I done this project using Eclispe Kepler and Vaadin 6.8.7,Spring 4.0.3 and Hibernate 4.1.2 and Mysql 5.5.
But I need some suggestions and help from all members(If u have sometime to review it ) to Review this code and how can we improve it to design a Large scale application so that lots of users(App user) can interact with the application.

ie, Application needs to be tweaked to include
Session management
creating UI for each customer logs on the system
Navigating form one screen to another screen. etc.

I have uploaded zip file of the project with source code change the extension to war . Please review it and Provide feedback by droping email krk031@gmail.com.
Thank you all.

Copy the above link and download from Google drive >>

Is there a way to use Vaadin 7.x with Spring 3.x ? As far as i see, Vaadin supports only Spring version 4. For legacy reasons i have to use Spring version 3.x. And we use OSGI. Vaadin spring is even not osgi ready as i saw, so i have to “hack it”, right?
Is there an example project for this?
Any help would be great, thanks!

Hi friend:

I used Alexander Fedorov’s add-on “SpringVaadinIntegration” in my old projects.
It worked just fine.


And now, I switched to the offical add-on “Vaadin Spring”, but found out lack of some future.

The old add-on “SpringVaadinIntegration” let me localize Vaadin system message by using Spring message source

But in the offical add-on “Vaadin Spring”, this future is lacking.

Can you please consider adding this future?

You only need to inject the messageSource into the Spring managed View/UI/Component where you need it.
Maybe consider injecting it in the UI, so it’s accessible from the Views and components getting the current UI with UI.getCurrent(). Cast it to the specific UI that has the messageSource and use it:

public class MyUI.... {

    private MessageSource messages;



MyUI ui = (MyUI) UI.getCurrent(); ui.getMessages().getMessage(.... Hope it helps


Hi Fran:

Thanks for your reply.

But what I am talking about, is not how to use MessageSource to get message text for my app,
What I want, is to localize Vaadin system message.

Alexander Fedorov’s add-on “SpringVaadinIntegration” can do it for us, very easy to use:

Hello everyone. I agree with the easy ways that lets us work Alexander’s plugin about Spring, and mostly with system mesages.
Now I’ve got a problem about updating to 7.6.0. The plugin is not even compatible and I’m not able to migrate to the official Vaadin plugin.
May be any way to do this migration “easy” or adapt the plugin?
Thanks in advice, hope my question is not misplaced

Hi everybody.
I didn’t use Vaadin for several years. But I might try to adopt add-on to actual Vaadin’s version.
I tought my add-on was gone cause of the official add-on. :slight_smile: