SplitPanel rendering issue after component replacement


I have a problem with rendering horizontal SplitPanel after replacing one of its components with another component.

I have a SplitPanel (rootSp) that holds a Panel (panel1) and a SplitPanel (secondSp). The secondSp contains two panels (panel2 and panel3). (attached step1.png)

If I do replace the second component of rootSp with panel2, the panel2 is not resized correctly - it does not fill the whole space available. (attached step2.png)

After refreshing the browser (F5) the panel is rendered correctly. (attached step3.png - the desired state)

To reproduce it display following window and press any of the buttons:

public class TestWindow extends Window {
	private static int count = 0;
	SplitPanel rootSp;
	SplitPanel secondSp;
	public TestWindow() {
		rootSp = new SplitPanel(SplitPanel.ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL);
		secondSp = new SplitPanel(SplitPanel.ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL);
	private Panel getSplitPanelContent() {
		Panel p = new Panel();
		Button closePanel3Button = new Button("Close Panel 3");
		closePanel3Button.addListener(new ClickListener() {
			public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) {
				Component panel2 = secondSp.getFirstComponent();
                                panel2.requestRepaint(); // does not help
		p.addComponent(new Label("Panel " + count++));
		return p;


Is this designed behavior or am I doing something wrong? I would expect the panel2 to occupy the full space right after the button click and not after browser refresh.

I did try to request repaint on the components but that does not work (I think that the reason is that the all the actions are happening on client side strictly - there is no request going to server until the F5 is pressed).

The debug mode and ‘Analyze layout’ does not report any issues.

Thanks for any clues


This looks like a bug to me, created a ticket
for it.