Splash Screen

How to do it with vaadin 14?

Found notthing in the doc.

The technique is explained here


I.e. you probably would like to do the following

  1. Setup the view and show some info (i.e. Splash screen)
  2. After delay update the view showing other content, navigating to other view or what ever

How ever you do it, you probably need to use Push and async updates and thread (use executor service instead of raw threads if possible)

Hi Lars. There is also a start-up splash screen for Vaadin 14 apps that are made installable with the @PWA annotation and the user has installed on their device - the splash screen will be shown when the user opens the app from the dedicated app icon in their desktop/device. This splash screen will just have: dedicated icon and text & background color. The framework generates the splash screen automatically from the parameters you provide, but you can also customize it completely if you want to.
You can see examples of this if you install e.g. https://taskmob.demo.vaadin.com/ or https://bakery-flow.demo.vaadin.com/login. Documentation is in https://vaadin.com/docs/v14/flow/pwa/tutorial-pwa-introduction.html but albeit the documentation could be improved