Some vaadin portlets in the same page with liferay


I have to deploy some vaadin portlets in the same page. I’ve installed vaadin cp for liferay, downloaded jars 6.7.6 and recompiled widgetsets. But from time to time I get this “Authorization Error 404 UIDL could not be read from the server”. I think this maybe related with the placing and configuration of the wiggetsets.

I want to know if I have to change anything in the portlet configuration for it to get widgetsets from the common place.

If a portlet has a custom widgetset, is it required to copy that widgetset to the common common folder?

More, is it required to delete the widgetsets from the portlet war to prevent them to be downloaded from a wrong place?


I believe I’ve seen a similar problem, but, it’s only after the page has been left for some time, and is then interacted with.

Can you clarify how long the page sits dormant before you get this error appearing?


Always when the first page after opening the bowser (i.e. no previous http session in the portal).
