Smart gwt and vaadin


i succesfully integrated smart gwt and vaadin, wrote gwt composite, extended it and implement Paintable interface,
and use it in class that extends abstractcomponent(vaadin) in annotation @ClientWidget.

i would like to use component selectItem, its because it is necessary for the project demands. (pick list).
i get the select, when the client widget gets instantiated, but there are problems with styles.
any experience with it?

how the .gwt.xml style should look like (regarding) the css styles , in case using this particular component.


I need to know, if there is a possibility to use own styles to style the smart gwt components, and how they are
applied if i write my own abstract components in vaadin using the smart gwt components.



ColorPicker gwt package
for an example of how to add your own styles to a Vaadin add-on.

This way you should be able to style the smart gwt widget however you like.



Could you please show me how you integrate the SmartGWT into Vaadin? I really need this.
I cannot work out following the VaadinSmartGWT project.
Thanks very much.