Set the vaadin-datepicker input to the desired format

How to set the vaadin-datepicker input to the desired format?
For example, the default format is MM/DD/YYYY and I would like it to be DD/MM/YYYY.
I’m using Angular 2 and Polymer.

Cláudio Margulhano:
How to set the vaadin-datepicker input to the desired format?
For example, the default format is MM/DD/YYYY and I would like it to be DD/MM/YYYY.
I’m using Angular 2 and Polymer.


Did you solved this issue?

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Did you eventually solve this problem ?

Just in cases you are still looking for a solution, check it at
Just rewrite i18n function, particulary formatDate and parseDate.

Hi Conchi, without this feature we will not even consider to migrate from V8 to Flow. The only reason we are using Vaadin is to avoid javascript at ALL costs, so rewriting javascript functions is not an option.
