Session how to handle?

Hi there,

How does vaadin recognize different users along different views?

Lets say User A visits /home and there he get shown his personal data, then he visits /orders and he sees his orders.

Usually Spring handles this, when used, right? But what if i dont use spring? Do i need to save a token/customerno what ever, in the session and read it in onAttach to get his data and fill the forms?

Vaadin does not store anything user related itself. It’s up to you or your servlet container

Okay so setting a customer number or any identifier to the servlet session will do it and if i want to show user related data i get the session attribute on page visit and load its data?

The session is stored serverside and connected through a browser cookie?

Yeah, I personally would suggest to use a framework to handle security / authorization / authentication before doing it yourself and creating a potential security problem down the road (spring / shiro)

I am using Spring in my project. But in this special case a user comes (already auhenticated) from another portal (which sends a token as URL Parameter) I decrypt it (i have the key) and then i know who the user is.

And now i need to have the possiblity to show user relevant details on several views.

In Spring i would use the SecurityContextHolder to get the logged in User or?

You’re looking at implementing the pre-authentication scenario: Authentication :: Spring Security

Thank you! Sound like what i need but also sounds a little oversized. Because i only have 2 or 3 views for this case, so using the vaadin session would a little less work, isnt it?

I am currently using VaadinSession and it works very vell.

    VaadinSession session = VaadinSession.getCurrent();

    // saving object with my data (AppContext class) to context
    AppContext context = new AppContext();
    session.setAttribute(AppContext.class, context);

    // retrieving my data from context, usually to display user name in Parent Layout
    VaadinSession session = VaadinSession.getCurrent();
    Object savedContext = session.getAttribute(AppContext.class);
    if (savedContext instanceof AppContext ctx)
        doSomethingWithMyData (ctx);

Hope this will help …