Here’s my setup.
I have a window who’s top level is a vertical layout. Inside the vertical layout is a horizontal layout that is 75 pixels tall. Under that is another vertical layout that occupies the rest of the space in the window. That vertical layout is divided 30/70.
The 30 percent side (left) has a panel that has a tree. This panel behaves properly in that horizontal and vertical scroll bars show and hide as needed (as the tree is expanded).
The 70 percent side (right) holds a table. The table’s page length is set to 28.
The issue that I’m having is that when I initially populate the table (it is populated by clicking in the tree) there is no vertical or horizontal scrollbar appearing even thought the table has more than 28 rows and pushes wider than the allocated space.
Secondly, how to I keep the left hand panel at a fixed width? It expands and contracts as the tree is opened and closed and I don’t want this behaviour. I’m happy to have the vertical scrollbar appear and disappear as needed but I want the width to remain constant.
I’ve tried just about everything (except the one solution that does what I’m looking for!)
Thanks in advance for the help!
If a code fragment is needed I can try and prepare one.