I am trying to integrate Bootstrap into Vaadin. This is nearly working now, but I still have one persistent issue. I need to remove the Valo theme, as it interferes with Bootstrap. So I’ve commented out the import and include lines in my bootstrap-test-theme.scss file, like this:
/* @import “…/valo/valo.scss”; */
@mixin bootstrap-test-theme {
/* @include valo; */
[/code]The result is a web page that looks correct, but I see this error message in the browser’s console:
vaadinbootstraptest.BootstrapTestWidgetset-0.js:6170 Sun May 01 16:15:56 GMT+200 2016 com.vaadin.client.ApplicationConnection
SEVERE: CSS files may have not loaded properly.
Also, the page takes a long time to load as it wait for some timeout before displaying this error message.
So what I’m wondering is, how can I remove the Valo theme completely without breaking things? Can I replace Valo with some minimal theme just to avoid this error?