Reindeer theme closable minimal TAB misaligns on IE9 (vaadin 6)

You can see this bug on the Vaadin Reindeer Theme page:

Using IE9, click on the “Tabs” tab, check “Closable tabs”, then click on Tab 1 thorugh Tab 6 under the “Minimal Style” variation. For us, sometimes we see nothing unusual until we click on Tab 5, but on occasion we see it jump down on Tab 2. If you reload the page, it seems to align fine again.

Also, if we p IE9 into “compatibility” mode, it seems to work normally, too, but not when it’s in standards mode.


please create a ticket of this issue into the vaadin trac. Then it might even be eventually fixed :) Should not be a lot of work - you don’t necessarily even need a test case since it’s reproducable in the reindeer demo.

Okay, created
ticket 10591
to track this.