RE: Upgrade Vaddin

You have some resources in the official documentations :

Check if all the addons you’re using have a V8 version.

Reserve some time, there is some workload :wink:


After several problems I decided to update vaadin.
Someone tells me what is the latest version and gives me a little guidance on how to do the update.
I have vaadin 6.6.7 and maven 2.2.1
Once I update should I update all the dependencies that I have too?

I see…

I have a doubt when wanting to download the latest version of vaadin. I between my jars and the pom I see vaadin-6.6.7, but when I go to maven I see that com.vaadin vaadin-6.8.18 is the most recent. The 7 are beta.
But then there are up to version 8 vaadin-client and vaadin-server.
What is it that I need to download to do the upgrade

Vaadin 7 is stable since a while :wink:
… as Vaadin 8 is also in a stable version since some time.

And specially follow the links on this page :


I wonder, why 7.7.9 in particular? 7.7.13 is the most recent release of Vaadin 7.


I’m going to migrate to vaadin 7.7.9. Once I download all the jars, I must add them all to my pom.xml or copy them to xxx \ src \ main \ webapp \ WEB-INF \ lib.
Then I must check all the dependencies that I have in my pom and update them to download tbm (compatible with vaadin 7), remember that I have vaadin 6.6.9
Anything else??

You’re right. I did not realize and get off the bottom of the list believing that they were in order and did not look good. Now I download for 7.7.13
Thank you

Once downloaded the jar. What would be the steps to follow, continuing with the previous question

Have you read this document yet:
