PWA iconPath from properties file

I want to configure PWA iconPath from in my Spring Boot application. How it can be done?

This is currently not supported out-of-the-box. The path should be defined using the annotation.
You can probably find out some workaround to store a custom PwaRegistry instance in the ServletContext (see PwaRegistry.getInstance()), but you will at least lose the generation at build time of PWA icons.

You can also create a feature request on the Flow repository.

Thank you @marcoc_753 for your point. Also I have found work around based on PWA annotation modification: possy/service/src/main/kotlin/net/g24/possy/service/ at 59f10cc719f17f314889319c2c96e7bc9b4dc7d7 · gerald24/possy · GitHub from PWA dynamic attributes · Issue #6449 · vaadin/flow · GitHub

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