Project Service Desk

Hi Guys! I want to start a new project, this project could be the base of our meetup we regularly have.

I have called it TickIt in sense of Ticket + IT. So “tick it” means to resolve a ticket ;)

I have tried a lot of service desk tools like jira, freshdesk and so on. But they never fit my needs so i want to create my own platform for user support/help desk etc using vaadin.

  • we can greate something individual
  • we learn to work in a team
  • maybe it will become a bigger project as expected
  • maybe it brings some money in the future, who knows :slight_smile:

The functions i want to implement:

  • login with keycloak or similar
  • creating tickets with ticket overview and user response and agents answers
  • email notification on new answers
  • adding a chat so you can implement a chat in a foreign app and connect it to the portal. So “agents” can be online in portal and chat with users from foreign apps
  • User administration
  • Kind of “style system” to change colors, logo etc make it individual
  • maybe later payment gateways to sell paid support units for example with paypal API etc
  • Integration of any AI to provide a most FAQ help (before some one raises a ticket, the AI could already have the answer to prevent tickets with same questions again and again)


  • Spring Boot
  • Vaadin Flow newest version (with collab kit?)
  • MySQL
  • Repo on github with bug tracking etc

I will provide the VM to host the test/demo application, once there is something to show to the world.

The project will be standalone, so that anyone could use it. Install it on a own domain, enter own email server credentials and so on. The project will cover the whole software development process from git to build over team work, securing the enviroment, saving data in an encrypted way and so on.

If anybody out there is struggeling with those service desk on market and want to join a new project, just drop me a message :slight_smile: Ideally with an information why you want to join and if you have a use case to use this helpdesk as well. Anyone who joins should bring its own uses cases in, to get a lot of feature ideas.

Why i dont want to make it public? Because we will make mistakes and i want to keep them “in team”.

This project we can then use to talk about in our meetups as a “base of discussion”. Also it could be a playground to test new vaadin features etc.


Just a suggestion. Use PostgreSQL instead of MySQL. It starts much faster which is super convenient with Testcontainers and there are many hosting options in the cloud.


thanks, good input. I have read a lot of recommendations that postgres is sometimes better than mysql :)

A new and cool feature would be to implement collaboration chat for this. So two or more techs can interact with a single end user at once. Maybe tier two support could hop on any active chat as needed. see the history, ask the right questions etc. I have something similar to this using collaboration engine and open ai assistants where you can have any number of Users and AI Assistants all in the same chat.
Can i help?

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Great idea and very useful for support; if one user is not able to answer a request, he could “call” another agent into the chat. I will send add you to github once i added the project