This problem might not be caused by Vaadin directly, but maybe someone here has had a similar case:
I have a widget for displaying svg-files. These svg-files can import css-files and images. The css-file in turn can, in addition to styles, also reference some font files.
To serve all of these files, I implemented a custom RequestHandler and added it to the session.
To include the svg in my widget, I tested multiple things: For Firefox and Chrome, embedding the svg as the src of an iframe works fine. I also tried the jquery-addon
, no problems here either.
However, on Internet Explorer (I used IE11 and also tried compatibility modes down to IE9), both approaches lead to the same problem:
The svg is loaded correctly. All images are loaded correctly. The css-files are requested and served correctly, I checked the response and it is as expected. However, the CSS content is completely ignored. Neither are there any further requests for the referenced font-files, nor are the css rules in the file applied at all.
I tested putting the same svg-file with its resources on the server as static resources (e.g. in the VAADIN-folder), or in their own context, and the content is loaded just fine on all browsers, the problem only occurs when providing the files through the session RequestHandler.
I also tried copying the contents of the css-file in the svg-file itself, without an @import. Again this works fine, even with the RequestHandler, but I would rather keep the css and the svg split.
Does anyone here have some experiences with this or has run into similar problems?