I have both the Vaadin portlet and generic portlet on the same page in Liferay. I am running Vaadin 6.5 and Liferay Portal Enterprise Edition 6.0 EE SP1 on IE 8.
Is there some additional step I need to do for these Events to be registered?
No, I was just using the source code in my own WAR. I missed the part about adding the events in the portlet.xml. Do I need to leave the “xmlns:vaadin”, or can that be changed to be my company’s name? I guess I have the same question about the event name “vaadin:Hello”. I assume that can be changed as long as they match. Is that true?
It was a while since I last touched portlet events and I am not in front of my development environment at the moment, but if I remember correctly, all of these can be changed as long as they match.
I am still having problems making these events work. I tried adding the supported-publishing-event sections to my portlet.xml, with no luck. Then, just for sanity, I checked out the code from the vaadin svn, and the events didn’t fire from that either.
Is there a maybe config step in my portal that I am not seeing, or could I still be missing something?