I am using Opera 10.0 and I have problem with capturing other mouse clicks than the left one…event in the vaadin sampler (tree/events) when i click right mouse, i get only classical opera dialog (back, fullscreen, view source etc.).
Your post is pretty old…is there any sign, that this bogus behaviour would be repaired soon? Because in my CMS everything is done by context (right-click) dialogs :-))…
I have checked throught your topic and the proposed workaround (implemented in 6.2.2) and updated my vaadin to this version. But it doesnt work for me :-). So this rightclick bug seems to be unrepaired :-).
Opera has for a long time prevented detection of right click through javascript. According to
http://unixpapa.com/js/mouse.html Opera has made it an option in Opera 10, so hidden no standard user can find it: “Tools > Preferences > Advanced > Content > Javascript Options” and “Allow scripts to detect context menu events”. If you enable this you might get it to work. It seems though that Opera does not send a contextmenu-event even if it is enabled but a mousedown is sent for the right mouse button…
Thanks for your reply, but I have everything there enabled… But from your answer it seems to me, that the right click context menu works for you in Opera 10? Is it only my problem (so i should look in Opera preferences or my code)?
I think you will still have problems with context menus in at least Table as it relies on the oncontextmenu event instead of onmousedown (right button) and Opera refuses to send such an event. For ClickListeners (Layouts, Embedded) the right mouse button should work properly. There is a ticket for this in the Vaadin trac also: