Hello, Actually i’m working on a projet which use OpenLayers3 and vaadin. I’m new and i begin at this moment. I can’t speak english easily so excuse me for my english language. I saw example code OL3 for Vaadin but doesn’t work for me… I want just display a map on my application web.
On my project Maven, I added depency OL3.
Then I used :
VerticalLayout layout = new VerticalLayout();
// create map instance
OLMap map = new OLMap();
// add layer to map
OLMapQuestSource mapSource = new OLMapQuestSource(OLMapQuestLayerName.OSM);
OLTileLayer layer = new OLTileLayer(mapSource);
// add the map to the layout
With imports :
import org.vaadin.addon.vol3.OLMap;
import org.vaadin.addon.vol3.source.OLMapQuestSource;
import org.vaadin.addon.vol3.layer.OLTileLayer;
import org.vaadin.addon.vol3.client.source.OLMapQuestLayerName;
And also, I created my own widgetset which include :
When I launch my application web, i have no errors but nothing display on my screen…
Help me please
I fixed my problem, now i would like to set marker (layer). Do you have an example to set a layer ? (for example, a star ?) Which class I have to use ?
map.addInteraction ( selectionFeature ());
private OLSelectInteraction selectionFeature () {
OLSelectInteraction clickInteraction OLSelectInteraction = new ();
clickInteraction.addSelectionChangeListener (new SelectionChangeListener () {
public void selectionChanged ( List < String> selectedFeatures ) {
Notification.show ( " Id " + selectedFeatures.get (0) ) ; }
With this code , I retrieve the id of the current feature but not the object of the class. So I do not know if there is a point or polygon (I repeat , I have 1 layer for points and another for the polygon .
How can I find this information? Thank you , I need your help
Care to post how you’ve solved your problem with the map not being displayed? I have the same problem, I have no map but the zoom controls are displayed. I am using vaadin in an osgi environment.