I just entered issue https://code.google.com/p/vopenlayers/issues/detail?id=69
I have to place Labels below my VectorPoint. StyleMap allows me to create a Label and also Font Attributes, but the Label will be positioned directly at the Point - I need some offset, so that the Point is visible and also the Label.
openlayers has these attributes for StyleMaps:
labelXOffset: "${xOffset}",
labelYOffset: "${yOffset}",
labelOutlineColor: "white",
labelOutlineWidth: 3
I didn’t found a way to use these attributes.
I need the X/Y Offsets to place the Label correct and the OutlineColor and width ta have always a readable text inside the label.
would be great if this could be added - or show me how this can be solved - because I overlooked something
open source: OSGi and Vaadin: http://redVoodo.org