On using SSL

Hi fellows,

Is there anything particular in using Vaadin over SSL that I should be aware of? Except for a few old (> 4 years ago) posts reporting some random “Communication error” issues, there’s little I could find on the matter.

The targeted Tomcat (7) server already uses HTTP compression and we are required to move it to HTTPS for obvious reasons. I plan on setting up the automatic redirection from HTTP to HTTPS in Tomcat.

Many thanks for your sharing your experiences and tips.

I use SSL with a vaadin 6 application on top of tomcat 6 for 3 years without any issue.
The full communication is encrypted, not only the login step.
I also redirect http to https because this application is my default application.
On the same tomcat server, I have other applications, some using http, some using https.
Thus, in order to be able to mix http and https, I placed the connector configuration into the web.xml of each application.
The drawback is that my devlopment system should also be configured with https.

à bientôt,

Salut Gilles,
Many thanks for your much appreciated reply and for sharing your experience!
I also plan on having the whole application communication encrypted.
Best regards