Notification Performance

Hey guys!

i have a question about notifications, which i can’t solve. I like notifications positioned on top center of the browser, which causes the notification to slide in the view display. That’s great, no question, i love it! But unfortunately, it laggs in my case :frowning:

What I want to do: I have a form, which is bound with a fieldgroup. The fieldgroup is readonly. Above the form there is a button to set the ready only flag of the fieldgroup to false and to display a save button. The save button commits the fieldgroup and sets the read only flag back to true. At the end of this i want to display a success notification like “Changes saved.”. But it laggs in the browser, when i “simultaneously” set the form to readonly.

Currently i set the $v-animations-enabled variable of my theme to false, so there are no animations in my applications, but that’s bothers me, i like the animations!

What can i do to improve the performance?

Thanks a lot for your help!



Not quite sure what you mean with laggs, but I assume you’d like it to dissapear faster? Try this method:
