Hi all!
First of all i want apreciate the great work with this add-on (SQLcontainer), it’s very helpfull.
Well, after a lot of test…I have found a problem which report a NullpointerException and show a Internal Error to the user.
The code is placed in my “init()” method of the Controller
TableQuery tq2= new TableQuery(TABLE_NAME,getConnectionPool(),primaryKeyList);
container= new SQLContainer(tq2);
Filter defaultFilter= new Not(new Like(ATRIBUTE,"** DISCARD **"));
The first time the controller is loaded this work fine. After this I show a window to create a new element…and then occurs the crash. Any action I did, exit without saving data for example, throw a NullpointerException in the
- com.vaadin.addon.sqlcontainer.filters Like Class
public boolean passesFilter(Object itemId, Item item)
throws UnsupportedOperationException {
if (!item.getItemProperty(getPropertyId()).getType()
.isAssignableFrom(String.class)) {
// We can only handle strings
return false;
String colValue = (String) item.getItemProperty(getPropertyId()).getValue();
String pattern = getValue().replace("%", ".*");
if (isCaseSensitive()) {
return colValue.matches(pattern);
return colValue.toUpperCase().matches(pattern.toUpperCase());
The colValue is NULL and crash the code…the curious is that any value of tablequery has a NULL value in ATRIBUTE…
Can anyone help me?
My fast solution is apply a patch in this method and add a if/else sentence validating colValue is not null…but may be I am doing wrong due to my no experience in vaadin
I use Vaadin 6.6.2 and SQLContainer 1.1.0.
More info…and I get crazy at this point…this error only appears with Internet Explorer…if I try in Firefox works fine o_O
Thanks in advance,