New Tune Theme in 7.2

Would you say, that we could use the current GIT Version of the Theme ( for Development (NOT PRODUCTIVE).

Or is it to early to base on this, and major changes will happen?


I strongly suggest you don’t even try to use the theme in development. For one, the Sass structure is still likely to change quite a lot, and second, the theme only contains a few of the more simple components currently like buttons and textfields.

Any changes here?
Any Version we can adapt for development?

Hi Renier,

As the name of the theme changed and has now most likely reached its final state, I moved the repository to

The current status is such, that you could start testing it out and providing some initial feedback. There’s still not real documentation, so you’re left to reading the source and examples. You could start by looking at

A bunch of stuff is still missing, like Slider, ProgressBar, TabSheet, Accordion, MenuBar, Tree, Table, Panels and Calendar. But to get a feel how you can use and customize the theme, it’s nearly there.

I would say it’s a bit too early to start posting tickets/issues at GitHub, but please share your thoughts here on this forum topic!

Hello Jouni,

I tried to implement the new theme Valo using Vaadin 7.3 and 7.4, basing on the book of Vaadin and I have not succeeded, it is no theme.
Could you help me with a good tutorial or explaining how.

Thanks a lot!

Hello Jouni,

I tried to implement the new theme Valo using Vaadin 7.3 and 7.4, basing on the book of Vaadin and I have not succeeded, it is no theme.
Could you help me with a good tutorial or explaining how.

Thanks a lot!

Hi Marcos,

7.3.0.beta1 has not been released yet, and 7.3 doesn’t seem to have a nightly build running, so the best way would be to take the 7.4.0.SNAPSHOT build where the Valo theme should already be available.

I’m not 100% sure if the latest Sass compiler version (which is needed to build Valo) is already used by the nightly build. The Eclipse plugin probably doesn’t have the latest version it use yet, so compiling the theme with it won’t work just yet.

At least you should be able to use the 7.4.0 snapshot and the default Valo theme variant, just by using the @Theme(“valo”) annotation in your UI class.