New Dashboard component - feedback welcome!

Vaadin 24.6 includes a new Dashboard component:

  • Requires a Pro subscription
  • Behind a feature flag for now: com.vaadin.experimental.dashboardComponent
  • Can be used both as a static layout and a databound, user-editable dashboard

It’s shipped behind a feature flag in 24.6 as we might still want to make some minor but breaking changes to it e.g. based on feedback we get, but we feel that it’s stable enough that you can start using it in your projects already today. (The only thing that might change significantly or even be removed altogether is the Section feature.)

Feedback about the Dashboard’s features, API, UX, a11y, etc are welcome either as issues in GitHub or right here in this thread.


That component is exactly what I need right now. Excellent timing. I have enabled the feature in But I cannot use it: “Vaadin Dashboard is not included in your Hilla Pro subscription. You need a Pro Subscription, …” What does that mean? Is there another type of Pro subscription?

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Hi Olaf, Hilla Pro is a limited version of the normal Vaadin Pro subscription that doesn’t include Pro features for Flow. We no longer offer Hilla Pro, but those who have it should continue to get access to new Hilla features, including components. We’re looking into why it doesn’t have Dashboard yet.

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Should be fixed now @olaf.10 – try again and let me know if it works?

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Yes, works now. Great. Thanks.

I can’t seem to be able to set the text color of the header/title, only the background, when using the exposed parts.

This only works for the background:

vaadin-dashboard-widget::part(header) {
background: #0f728f;
color: white;

I would try part=title and --lumo-header-text-color: red;


Thanks, it works :+1: