Having used Eclipse with Vaadin in the past, I’m now trying out the new Vaadin plugin 1.1.1 with current NetBeans 8 Beta & Tomcat 8.0.1. Working well, except for that usual problem… First run of my app within NetBeans works. But changes to my code have no effect when I run the app again. Hitting the Run button (green triangle) runs the old app, ignoring my fresh edits.
What should I be doing after editing my Vaadin app source code to run a 2nd and 3rd time?
I’ve seen the
Services tab in the upper left pane of NetBeans. I can expose my Tomcat server in the disclosure triangle for
Servers there. When I context-click, I get a menu offering a
Refresh item, but does not seem to help.
So far my only workaround has been clicking the Clean and Build button (hammer and broom icon). That works but only after a painfully long multi-minute complete rebuild of a zillion things including the very slow and mysterious “Permutations” 1-5.
In the past with Eclipse I’ve used JRebel successfully. Is that the only way to get some real work done in NetBeans? Or can someone share some tips on their daily routne of code-run-edit-debug-code-run cycle?
It contains some explanation about how you can speed up client-side developement,
In short: your code usually contains server-side and client side code.
Any change in the server side code could be handled by “Deply On Save” option see
http://postimg.org/image/4eputaxr9/ .
It works for me at least with GlassFish. For more details please read NetBeans JEE tutorials. This is generic NB functionality. It doesn’t depend on Vaadin plugin.
But you mentioned permutations. Permutations are compiled when you have chosen “Clean & Build” or changes your client-side code (or at the very first time).
“Deploy On Save” doesn’t help to you here. And there is no way to eliminate client-side compilation in this case because it’s really required for the final production application. But in the development process there are a number of way to speed up client side development. Please see the link that I’ve mentioned in the very beginning.
You can use either Dev Mode (it allows to use JVM for your client side code) or Superdev mode.
You can also use GWT compiler optoions to restrict permutations for only one browser, set “draft” option, …