I have a currently developing project based on Vaadin 13. It uses Jetty in emdedded mode.
All styles are gone in that class:
@Push(transport = Transport.WEBSOCKET)
@Viewport("width=device-width, minimum-scale=1.0, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=yes")
public class MainView2 extends Div {
public MainView2() {
VerticalLayout vl = new VerticalLayout(
new Label("Label_1"),
new Label("Label_2"),
new Label("Label_3")
I didn’t use my own styles. It is default style out of the box. I think there is a problem with my Mavne configuration and Jetty embedded, but i cannot find what is wrong. And i search some example projects with this restrictions. Compatible mode is not useful for me, because it will be deprecated in the future, i think.