Maven war overlay in Eclipse, combining two (or more) projects

I’m trying to combine two Vaadin projects (core + client-specific) by using Eclipse with the m2eclipse Maven integration plugin. Both projects use the vaadin-archetype-clean archetype. The client project may include source code, themes, localization files, 3rd party libs, client-side components, etc. of which some are supposed to override their equivalents in the core project.

The core project is marked as a war-packaged dependency in the client project’s pom.xml. I have succeeded to combine the projects by first running
mvn gwt:compile install
on the core project and then
mvn jetty:run
on the client project. Everything works just as expected.

However, if I have both projects open in my eclipse workspace, the client project is unable to find the source code of the core project (and basically any other resource as well). I would like to be able to develop the projects seamlessly as a single eclipse project. I guess the optimal situation would be the one in which the source code of the core project is visible (as links maybe?) in the client project and compiling the widgetsets inside the client project would also handle the widgetsets in the core project.

Is there any way to achieve this kind of development environment? Is the approach even a considerable one? Should I use another pom.xml to combine these?

There’s an eclipse
for combining war projects with m2eclipse, but AFAIK it doesn’t combine source code or any Vaadin specific resource.


You should forget war overlay in eclipse right now. There is a feature request in m2eclipse since 2008 so I guess it will be never supported . If you are lucky you can try Servlet 3.0. There you can specify your dependency as jar in pom.xml.
