I have a form with an OptionGroup and a couple of fields (all Select-components). Depending on the option that is choosen in the OptionGroup (which has a value-change listener attached to it), i want to enable a specific field and also set that field as ‘required’.
I also want to set the required error for each of these Select’s, because the default error-message only displays the caption of the Select that was left empty.
Apparently, when executing the setRequired(true) method, the Select is evaluated immediatly and the required error message is displayed. This is not really desired, because this means that the error message is immediatly visible when the application is started (and the Select is empty by default). However, it seems that this (displaying the error message when the application starts) is only the case if the required error message has been specified.
What i want is that i can specify the required error message, but that this error is only shown when i do a commit() of the complete form (to which the Select and the OptionGroup belongs).
Is this possible?