Make CheckBox Tick Red

Hi All,

I have the following code:


.v-checkbox.dangerCheckBox {.v-checkbox > input:checked { color: #ff1c41; } }

I have used the sampler but cannot figure out how the “focusColor #ff1c41” and “selectionColor #ff1c41” are set.

If a css champion can please show a complete amature what I am missing I would very much appreciate it.


In your mytheme.scss inside the mytheme mixin after include @valo;
For example.

    .v-checkbox-danger {
        @include valo-checkbox-style($v-background-color, $v-unit-size, #f00);

Compiled the scss for the checkmark becomes as css:

:root .mytheme .v-checkbox-danger > input:checked ~ label:after { color: #f00; } But that’s too heavy syntax for me already and requires a css champion (I’m not)