Liferay ServiceBuilder and Vaadin

Hi all!

Please, I’m looking for a basic example to use Liferay ServiceBuilder entities as datasources for Vaadin widgets…

A basic example can be how to populate a Vaadin Table with a List of records returned by Liferay SearchContainer.

Anyone can help me?

Thank you in advance!

Regards, Andy


A basic example can be how to populate a Vaadin Table with a List of records returned by Liferay SearchContainer.

Are you using Vaadin 7 as you are referring to Table?

Anyway regardless of Vaadin version you use, Vaadin is data source agnostic UI framework.

If the Liferay SearchContainer gives you list of beans, you can populate for example BeanItemContainer with those beans and set Table to use it as data provider (assuming you are using Vaadin 7)

Also Vaadin 8 works with Liferay, but with Vaadin 8 the data binding with Grid has a new API (and our new frameworks follow that same API)

See more here: