Liferay Control Panel

Ok, so, I now have the 1.0.1 version of the control panel for Liferay installed, but, I see in the logs, that it’s complaining that the widgetset does not match.

what am I supposed to do about this?

the update to 6.7.2 appears to have been successful, however, it’s still complaining about the widgetset in the server.log (I’m running Glassfish) file:

The widgetset in use does not seem to be built for the Vaadin
version in use. This might cause strange problems - a
recompile/deploy is strongly recommended.
Vaadin version: 6.7.2
Widgetset version: 6.6.8

I click the recompile button, but, it still comes up with the same complaint.

I also unzipped the 6.7.2 update for liferay into the liferay-portal html/vaadin folder, but still no difference.

there must be something else that needs to be done.

please advise.


I’m a bit surprised no one seems to have any helpful words for this issue.