I’ve been using the same vaadin combo box - except for versions - for over a year, deployed on both firebase hosting and also running in localhost launched with >polymer serve
Everything else in my app seems to work fine as before with Polymer1 or Polymer2, and properly versioned elements. But the 10% of the pages with the combo box now blow up - ONLY on firebase, the combo box runs fine with >polymer serve
Wondering if anyone else has seen this?
element-mixin.html:453 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘instanceCount’ of undefined
at HTMLElement._initializeProperties (element-mixin.html:453)
at new PropertiesChanged (properties-changed.html:153)
at new PropertyAccessors (property-accessors.html:112)
at new TemplateStamp (template-stamp.html:121)
at new PropertyEffects (property-effects.html:1133)
at new PropertiesMixin (properties-mixin.html:105)
at new PolymerElement (element-mixin.html:425)
at new ReduxMixin (polymer-redux.html:157)
at new MyApp (my-app.html:243)
_initializeProperties @ element-mixin.html:453
PropertiesChanged @ properties-changed.html:153
PropertyAccessors @ property-accessors.html:112
TemplateStamp @ template-stamp.html:121
PropertyEffects @ property-effects.html:1133
PropertiesMixin @ properties-mixin.html:105
PolymerElement @ element-mixin.html:425
ReduxMixin @ polymer-redux.html:157
MyApp @ my-app.html:243
vaadin-themable-mixin.html:4 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘indexOf’ of undefined
at vaadin-themable-mixin.html:4
(anonymous) @ vaadin-themable-mixin.html:4
vaadin-text-field.html:137 Uncaught TypeError: Vaadin.ThemableMixin is not a function
at vaadin-text-field.html:137
(anonymous) @ vaadin-text-field.html:137
iron-list.html:299 Uncaught TypeError: Polymer is not a function
at iron-list.html:299
at iron-list.html:1945
(anonymous) @ iron-list.html:299
(anonymous) @ iron-list.html:1945
vaadin-combo-box-item.html:42 Uncaught TypeError: Vaadin.ThemableMixin is not a function
at vaadin-combo-box-item.html:42
(anonymous) @ vaadin-combo-box-item.html:42
vaadin-overlay.html:111 Uncaught Error: Unexpected Polymer version undefined is used, expected v2.0.0 or later.
at vaadin-overlay.html:111
(anonymous) @ vaadin-overlay.html:111
vaadin-combo-box-dropdown.html:41 Uncaught TypeError: Class extends value undefined is not a constructor or null
at vaadin-combo-box-dropdown.html:41
(anonymous) @ vaadin-combo-box-dropdown.html:41
vaadin-combo-box-dropdown-wrapper.html:64 Uncaught TypeError: Class extends value undefined is not a constructor or null
at vaadin-combo-box-dropdown-wrapper.html:64
(anonymous) @ vaadin-combo-box-dropdown-wrapper.html:64
vaadin-combo-box-mixin.html:18 Uncaught TypeError: Class extends value undefined is not a constructor or null
at Object.Vaadin.ComboBoxMixin.subclass [as ComboBoxMixin]
at vaadin-combo-box.html:187