I’m trying to use Jython to read my Python script but I am getting this error
There was an exception while trying to navigate to ‘empty’ with the root cause 'ImportError: Cannot import site module and its dependencies: No module named site Determine if the following attributes are correct: * sys.path: [C:\Users\KatnJ.m2\repository\org\python\jython\2.7.3\Lib, classpath, pyclasspath/] This attribute might be including the wrong directories, such as from CPython * sys.prefix: C:\Users\KatnJ.m2\repository\org\python\jython\2.7.3 This attribute is set by the system property python.home, although it can be often automatically determined by the location of the Jython jar file You can use the -S option or python.import.site=false to not import the site module ’