JPAContainer - Filters

Hello all,

I’m trying out the JPAContainer 2 add-on to see if it fits my needs. I’m playing aroiund with the jpacontainer-addressbook-demo and reading through the section in the Book of Vaadin. What I would like to do (based on the Domain model of the demo) is to build a Hieracrchical Tree structure as the demo has done, but then to also be able to filter teh Hierarchical tree to only display a “sub” tree and all its children. For example, to say, have London as the “Root” and then only have London’s departments listed.

Anyone know how to design a filter for this?

Thanks in advance


I think you could use QueryModifierDelegate to limit container to list just the specific sub tree that you wan’t to display. Overriding methods from Hierarachical interface might also work, but then you wouldn’t be doing things at DB level.
