JavaScript Extension


I’m developing a JavaScript extension using jquery.MaskedInput.js to create TextField components with masks.

So, I created a class ‘MaskedTextFieldExtension extends AbstractJavaScriptExtension’
and created a js as Connector ‘MaskedConnector.js’. The files are attached.

JS files are in the same package of the class (MaskedConnector.js jquery.maskedinput-1.3.min.js)
The browser loads the scripts, but the mask does not work.

I do not know if the command ‘callFunction(“setMask”, mask);’ of MaskedTextFieldExtension class is calling the command JavaScript in the connector.
or maybe this jquery.maskedinput does not work for Vaadin TextField?
or is something wrong with my code… =/
13032.js (178 Bytes) (924 Bytes)