Javascript Component Integration form POST with parameter for request handl

My use case important and simple block to go production with BrainTree JS form for payment. The JS Component Integration is fine in Window and payment display & request/response exchange with BrainTree is fine and validated by BrainTree. I tried many options on the following problem and read many Vaadin forums in vain for solution (version 7.2.6 → 7.7.6 not resolved).

JS form (cannot use FormLayout) : …params … → urifragment is removed by VaadinServlet.

The issue is as follow:

  • When POST params successfuly gets through (aim of the request handler) the objective is to redirect to page on successful payment but seems to enter view but display urifragment either of the previous view or home page but not redirect view (I tried setUriFragment, navigator viritin navigateTo, 302 Location header, or response sendRedirect, sync access Runnable) with return true to handle this request!

I noticed on the Web console after the POST request with no UIDL and params there is a 2nd GET request identical to POST ?

Anyone from Vaadin or else may help me out ?

Thanks in advance.