Issues with CSS


I created a website with Vaadin with lot of custom css. It works quite well, but sometimes I have an impression that the css gets not completely loaded or just gets broken. After reloading the page the issue is gone. Please check the attached screens for comparison:

Safari Mac - Landing Page Screen Fehlplatzierung Suchen Stöbern

As you can see, the feedback button is now in the screen, there is a scrollbar and the tabs are not complete

Even more strange is the behavior on IE8 as you can see on these two screenshots:

IE-8 WIndows - Kontakt Screen oberer Teil abgeschnitten

The whole head of the page is not shown on IE!!

There are even more strange inconsistencies, which appear from time to time, but these are the most annoying.

Have you seen anything similiar, and what can we do here?



Hard to say really what goes wrong without knowing more of the source code.

Can you provide more details about your layout structure and provide the relevant CSS that handles that layout. Or can you provide a live demo on the internet, or a packaged runnable Eclipse project, so I could take a look at it?

Hi Jouni,

thanks for the reply. The demo is Most of the time the layout loads correctly, only sometimes you get such strange behaviour as described above. We are using CustomerLayout all the time. Our css code is quite big, if you want I can post them online.

