Issue with Vaadin Push Long Poll

This code is taken from of the flow server. I’m having issues with the long polling transport. In order to track the issue down, I have a question regarding the part “for(;;)” of the message. What’s the purpose of this “for(;;)” ?

     * Pushes pending state changes and client RPC calls to the client. If
     * {@code isConnected()} is false, defers the push until a connection is
     * established.
     * @param async
     *            True if this push asynchronously originates from the server,
     *            false if it is a response to a client request.
    public void push(boolean async) {
        if (!isConnected()) {
            if (async && state != State.RESPONSE_PENDING) {
                state = State.PUSH_PENDING;
            } else {
                state = State.RESPONSE_PENDING;
        } else {
            try {
                JsonObject response = new UidlWriter().createUidl(getUI(),
                sendMessage("for(;;);[" + response.toJson() + "]
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Push failed", e);

During using long polling the client ends up receiving four messages at once, failing with invalid json. The example below was one string, I added the linebreaks manually.

Invalid JSON from server: 

In the message it can be seen that the client received multiple updates at once. This can be seen by having the for(;:wink: more than once in the message.
Is this expected behaviour? I guess not. But what leads to the issue? And - shouldn’t the client be able to parse it? I believe it fails because the next for(;:wink: is not separated from the previous message.

Please clarify whats going on here please.

Further investigation shows that messages are wrapped into

public static final String JSON_COMMUNICATION_PREFIX = "for(;;);[";
public static final String JSON_COMMUNICATION_SUFFIX = "]";


    public static String stripJSONWrapping(String jsonWithWrapping) {
        if (jsonWithWrapping == null) {
            return null;

        if (!jsonWithWrapping.startsWith(JSON_COMMUNICATION_PREFIX)
                || !jsonWithWrapping.endsWith(JSON_COMMUNICATION_SUFFIX)) {
            return null;
        return jsonWithWrapping.substring(JSON_COMMUNICATION_PREFIX.length(),
                jsonWithWrapping.length() - JSON_COMMUNICATION_SUFFIX.length());

While this works for one message it fails if two messages are concatinated together.